All prayer relies on our faith in God. Although the phrase 'prayer of faith' is commonly used, the reality is that all prayer is by faith in God. The prayer of faith is rooted in our confidence in God's Word. The woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:18-30) knew that touching Jesus would get her healed. Her faith made way for healing to touch her. When you are sure that what you are praying for is God's will for you, the prayer of faith should be utilized. Unforgiveness (Mark 11: 25) and doubt (James 1: 5-8) are the two greatest hindrances to the prayer of faith. The prayer of faith does not need to be a prolonged prayer, although it does not preclude it.
The important thing to remember is that talking to God is not a set of rules. What might start out as a prayer of faith could develop into intercession. Supplications can also occur in all our prayers.
Questions for further contemplation on prayer of faith.
A. What does the prayer of faith involve?
B. How much faith do we need to receive from God?
C. What are the hindrances to the prayer of faith?
D. What is the relationship between the Word of God and the prayer of faith?
E. What is the difference between the prayer of faith and intercession?
The prayer of agreement is when two or more people come together and agree with one another and with the Word of God that something specific will be done. People that do not worship God or indeed worship satan can also stand in agreement and see power released (Genesis 11: 1-9).
God has given power and authority to the Church and when we stand together in unity we can see more of God's power released (Matthew 28: 16-20). Unity is standing together with one purpose, sharing a joint vision and trusting God's Word to be fulfilled. We need to appreciate the power of unity if we are to see God's power released.
The prayer of agreement always involves the prayer of faith. All prayer is by faith. The agreement brings more faith into action and this is why is is so powerful. Getting people to agree with you in prayer is a powerful act.
Questions for further contemplation on prayer of agreement.
A. What is the prayer of agreement?
B. Why is the prayer of agreement so powerful?
C. How can we get involved in the prayer of agreement?
D. Do we have to be together to stand in agreement?
E. How can couples take advantage of the prayer of agreement?
Jesus shows us the prayer of consecration in Luke 22:39-42. Facing imminent death, his flesh recoiled at the torture that awaited him. Jesus strengthened himself with prayer. The prayer of consecration is a humble submission to the will of God. This is not always easy. After the Apostles had just been whipped for their faith they immediately rededicated themselves to God's will with prayer (Acts 4:29-31).
If God leads you into an area of ministry or work that is difficult it will take the prayer of consecration for you to fulfill it. The same is true of living a holy life. The prayer of consecration is asking for the strength to accomplish his will with his power. The prayer of consecration is expedient for all maturing Christians.
Questions for further contemplation on prayer of consecration.
A. Name people you know in the Bible that prayed the consecration?
B. What does the prayer of consecration involve?
C. How often can we engage the prayer of consecration?
Jesus taught us to pray by saying 'Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth'. Here lies the essence of thanksgiving. It is acknowledging God for who he is.
Praise and worship brings us into the presence of God. When we praise God in the mist of seemingly negative situations we are affirming our faith in Him. This pleases God and helps our faith. Thanking God in the good times also keeps our eyes focused on the source of our strength.
Praise and thanksgiving are powerful weapons to the believer. They destroy the hold of satan and unbelief over our life. Praise and thanksgiving in effect disarm the two most deadly weapons to our Christian walk: namely, unbelief and satanic attacks. These two things can manifest in many different ways. No wonder why the scriptures call praise a two edged sword (Psalm 149: 4-9).
Thanksgiving should be a regular part of our talking to God. Thanksgiving is an all-inclusive act that involves praise, worship and honour of God.
Questions for further contemplation on prayer of thanksgiving.
A. What effect can praise and thanksgiving have on negative situations?
B. How can praise and worship take the place of prayer and bring about answered prayers?
C. What hinders us from praising God as much as we should?
More on different types of prayer