The Gospel of Mark is so titled because a man named Mark wrote it. Most Bible scholars seem to agree this was John Mark (Acts 12:12). He was not one of the twelve disciples.
He was at one time or another a travelling associate of Paul (2 Timothy 4:11), Barnabas (Acts 15:39) and Peter (1 Peter 5:13). He was in good company and had plenty of reliable sources to get his accounts from.
The Gospel of Mark places emphasis on what Jesus did. This stands out as the clear objective of the Holy Spirit in inspiring and anointing Mark to write it.
Thank God that the Gospel writers were sensitive enough to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling their tasks and did not just copy one another as we often do in ministry today. Each of the four Gospels was specifically written to give us a different angle into the life of Christ.
Immediately after this Jesus brings up the issue of His death (Mark 8:31-33) for the first time. Until this point He had not mentioned it. This is probably why Peter was so disturbed and took Jesus aside to admonish Him not to say such things. Read the story yourself in Mark chapter 8.
It is as if Jesus had to wait for them to know who He was before He could reveal His mission to them. A truth we should all note.
Shortly after this we have the transfiguration and in Mark chapter 9 Jesus again speaks of his death. The disciples still do not understand. In Mark 10 Jesus speaks of His death to His disciples for the third time.
Understanding the sequence of things will aid you in appreciating the story even more. For well over two years the disciples followed Jesus about without knowing anything about the type of death He was to die. They knew little of His real mission.
Before you consider them ignorant take a moment to consider how much you know about the purpose of God for your life. Isn't it worth finding out? Why not ask Him. You will find you need to know Him more first. Getting closer to God is the beginning of ministry.
Why would Jesus want to hide His identity?
Why does he want us to seek Him to find Him?
If you really want to know the answers to these then read the Gospel of Mark.
Jesus' desire is that we might come to know him personally. Others can tell us about Christ but no one can open your heart to Him for you. That is a personal decision. I am not talking about salvation here.
The greatest tragedy in the church today is the fact that most churches are full of converts and not disciples. A disciple is a disciplined follower of the master.
The Gospels are written to give us more insight into the one who loved us and died for us. All disciples should be familiar with the Gospel accounts of Jesus life. It is the only way we can get to know Him. When you know Him He will reveal Himself to you.
Are you familiar with who Jesus is, what he said and did and what He still does today? Or are these still a secret to you?
Read the Gospel.