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Healing belongs to you
Jesus died to set us free from oppression. The same blood that washes away our sins also brings about healing from sickness, disease and every oppression of the enemy. Consider it a complete package.
- Healing is part of our salvation
I bless the Lord for His goodness to me.The Lord Jesus by His death on the cross has washed away my sins and made me pleasing to God.The blood He shed on the cross has bought about my healing.
- Faith for healing
Do you notice how sin, sickness and disease were all taken care of together. If you can believe Jesus to save from sin and bring you into a relationship with the Father then there is no reason not to believe Him for the healing of your body.
- When did Jesus receive his stripes?
Have you ever taken the time to consider all that Jesus came to accomplish for us. Isaiah 53 summaries the ministry of Jesus. It's all part of the package. Pay particular attention to verse 5. It might help to read the whole of chapter 53 aloud to yoursel
- Offense and healing do not go together
Bartimaeus - offense and healing do not go together
- The power of God was present to heal
The power of God was present to heal
- Speak the word
The centurion servant was lying sick at home. This man was so concerned about his servant that he came to Jesus seeking healing. Those who seek find.
- Speak them out aloud - healing scriptures
God sent His Word to heal us - Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble: He saved them out of their distress. He sent His word and healed them. And delivered them from their destructions.
- His promise to heal
You will keep [him] in perfect peace, [Whose] mind [is] stayed [on You,] Because he trusts in You. (Amplified)
- Jesus the healer - Bible study
The blood of Jesus that washed away our sins is the same blood that heals us. As long as the blood of Jesus is available these two benefits will always be open to all that receive them by faith.
- Divine healing and medicine: is there a conflict?
If divine healing is ours due to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, why then is it that some people, despite the apparent exercise of faith, do not get healed.