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The precious blood of Jesus
Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who died for the sins of the world (John 1:29). Jesus mission became clear to mankind only after He had been crucified on the cross. Yet the scriptures reveals in Revelations 13:8 that "the Lamb was slain from the creation of the world".
- The Lamb Slain from the foundation of the World
It is as if to say, God had taken out an insurance policy before creating mankind. It is a fully comprehensive insurance that pays for all damages no matter what, and even promises to ?restore back as new?. That insurance is the blood of Jesus. The main s
- Relationship, fellowship and weapon of attack.
Adam and Eve found themselves naked as a consequence of their disobedience, and promptly covered themselves with leaves. God, evidently, found this covering inadequate and employed the skin of an animal (or animals) to do a proper job. Invariable the bloo
- Understanding the Plagues
God used ten plagues as a demonstration of His power. This power is still available in the blood of Jesus today. The ten plagues give us a picture of the destruction and torment satan and the forces of darkness come under when we subject them to the blood
- Lesson before the plagues.
Moses had to be totally convinced of his God given mission. Moses conviction was a necessary shield against the negative circumstances that were to arise. God invested time and effort into giving Moses an understanding of His plans. Moses needed a revelat
- The place of the blood
The main lesson here is that although the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the signs they produce are unique, important and powerful. The shed 'Blood of Jesus Christ' is in a class of its own. Satan can imitate the gifts but he can't withstand the blood. The
- The Ten Plagues
Remember the magicians imitated the first two plagues (Ex 7:22, 8:7). This did not hinder Moses. We need to stand our ground against satan. Each plague brought Israel nearer to their deliverance. Each time we plead the blood our salvation is nearer than w
- The Ten Plagues continued.
The sixth plague sees the magicians having to get away from Moses because of the boils. This was torment and hurt to them. It is not uncommon today to see demons scream out in pain and torment when we plead the blood of Jesus. It hurts them.
- The Passover
We too like the Israelites are instructed to keep the feast. This of course means keeping it in the spiritual sense. We no longer have to kill a lamb every year. Jesus, our Passover lamb has been crucified once and for all. Jesus was slain from the founda
- Power in the speaking blood
They overcame him by the blood of the lamb. This does not give us a picture of Christians sitting down doing nothing and expecting the victory of Christ to drop on them like ripe apples. "They overcame" denotes that it took a process of time. They were do