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Poems are contributed by people from all around the the world.
- He is
He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End!He is the Keeper of Creation and the Creator of All!He is the Architect of the Universe andThe Manager of All Times.
- The risk
IS FAITH A RISK? Of course. But failing to step out in faith is to risk missing real life. To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
- Love is wisdom and strength united
Love is the only master to which selfishness has ever bowed
Selfishness is never abashed until love is introduced.
Hatred veils its face when Love appears.
- Heavens grocery store
I saw a host of Angels, they were standing everywhere.
One handed me a basket, and said, ?My child, please shop with care?
Everything a Christian needed was in that Grocery Store.
And all you couldn?t carry you could sure come back for more.
- Little Christian
Little Christians came to church all the time.
- Walking by Faith
So I will keep going and going, I will reach my goal of seeing His loving face You see that's the wonderful end of this mysterious thing, called Walking by Faith
- He is Praise
I know the Bible is a beautiful book.
If you are a Christian you will want to look.
- Sanity
The anger of a world gone mad barely echo's in the heart of a man,
- The Bible
- Living waters
Its flow has never ceased to roll, yet men still die of thirst, Running as far as east to west, dying to find Its source.
- Who failed?
Dear Lord I prayed as I made my request, and left it before His throne. In faith I waited expectantly and my spirit jumped for joy. But after one year, I began to think that something must be wrong. Yet, my prayer I still placed before His throne, as my s
- Time
Time like the wind , we cannot control It moves to its own rhythm, playing its own notes.
- In the Winter
In the winter of my soul
God makes me strong
- The Stranger
A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who was new to our small Tennessee town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer, and soon invited him to live with our family.
- Hold fast to Him
When even Christian friends spread doubt,
God has all power, He can rout
The fear within, the foe without.
Hold fast to Him
- A Sinner saved by grace
I have been down many dark and winding roads
never caring about which way I should go.
Always thinking what I was doing was so much fun
just living my life for me and no other one.
Enjoying the pleasures of sin is so easy to do
- He Gave
With peace and mercy He revealed Himself;
by joy He revealed His strength.
With power and holiness His presence was known;
by love He revealed the depth of His eternal plan.
- New Me
Don't look for "old me"who used to dwell in sin,For "old me" moved outwhen "new me" entered in.
- Sacrifice at calvary
Jesus was a man born to die,
Eons ago it was ordained on high.
To become one of us was His mission,
From God to man, a divine transition.
- Give us a vision
Give us first a heart of prayer
For those whose needs are great,
And let us hasten to the throne
Before it is too late.
- Shipwrecked
How many lives have been shipwrecked
While inadvertantly playing with sin?
How many more will it take
To appease the god of sinful men?
- A friend indeed
A Friend indeed
- Our Spiritual ABC?s
Our Spiritual ABC?s. (A)sk the Father daily in prayer and He will answer.
God?s people have always been and will always be a "praising people." God created and chose us in order that we "might be for the praise of His glory," the sum of all that God is and does.
- Arm Yourself
Arm yourself with laughter for those who frown.
Arm yourself with hope for those who are feeling down.
- What a child lives with affects him
If a child lives with criticism,
- Usefulness of the Bible
When in sorrow - call John 14. When you are lonely or fearful - call Psalm 23
To the only One Who is worthy of all that we have and all that we are.