Please read Genesis chapters 6 to 9, chapter 19 and Luke 17 before starting these studies. During the bible studies group discussion you will only have the time to read some of these chapters as a group. Probably each person in the group reading four verses each.
This is an exceedingly interesting study. If you take the time to do your preparation at home before the group study you will find it very rewarding.
Here we learn a lot about the nature of God?s judgement and how we can avoid it.
1. What is the result of not curbing the desires of the flesh?
James 1: 14-16
2. Why did God destroy the world with water?
Genesis 6: 9-15
3. How are we sure God will not destroy the world with water again?
Genesis 8: 20-22, Genesis 9:11-17
4. Luke 17: 26-37 compares the days of Noah and Lot to our days.
Mention some of these similarities? - Genesis 6 and Genesis 19
5. What do we mean by the judgement of God?
6. Please start question 7 on another day. The bible study leader should allocate people in the group to contribute answers on the different characters mentioned in question 7. This means seven people will be coming to the next Bible study ready to contribute to the questions on a specific people mentioned in question 7. In between the seven people speaking others in the group should also be allowed to comment on the questions.
7. Who are the following people, what did they do wrong and how was God?s judgement served on them? What lesson did you learn from their lives?
a. Cain - Genesis 4
b. Nadab and Abihu - Leviticus 10: 1-3
c. Miriam - Numbers 12: 1-16
d. Abimelech - Genesis 20: 1-18
e. Eli?s household - 1 Samuel 2: 27 - 36, 1 Samuel 4: 10-22
f. The prophet of Judah - 1 Kings 12: 25-33, 1 Kings 13: 1-34
g. Gehazi - 2 Kings 5: 1-27
8. What does the Bible tell us about the judgement of unbelievers?
Revelations 20: 11-15
9. What does the Bible say about the Judgement of the saints?
Romans 14: 10-12, 1 Corinthians3: 11-15