"If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:1-2
When God asks a question it is never because he does not know the answer. Rather it is to get us to FOCUS on the answer. Questions focus the mind. The fastest way to bring your spirit, soul and body to focus on the Word of God is to ask yourself questions from the Word.
God Himself has used this approach several times. I'm sure He has also used it in your life. When God asks you a question it's because He wants to reveal something to you. When satan asks you a question it's to deceive you.
As Christians we can meditate on God's Word by asking ourselves questions from the Word. This will help you to "set your mind" on godly things. After reading the Word in the morning (or evening) discipline yourself to ponder on what you have read. Ask yourself what the bible means and attempt to answer the question. See our Bible Studies for some questions to aid you in this.
Call to remembrance what you read the day before. Remind yourself what you gained. Don't simply read the Word and put it down. Allow it to linger in your mind. Stop yourself from worrying about the day's activities and dwell on the word you have read instead.
It is a very healthy habit to mentally go over what you have read in the bible. This will open up the door for the Holy Spirit to bring you deeper insight to the word and will of God for your life.
Thoughts from satan can open the door to the demonic in ones life. In like manner the Word of God will fill our hearts with the life of God.
Take a look at the following questions that Jesus asked and see what they led to.
As we meditate on God's Word and ask ourselves what it means we give the Holy Spirit the oppertunity to reveal things to us. See our bible studies for some questions to help you in meditating on the Word.
Questioning God's Word with a desire to know more about God's Word opens us up to revelation from God.
You have to dig deep (Luke 6: 46 -49). As we FOCUS on God's Word but pondering over the questions in the bible we put ourselves in a position to receive the light of God's will.
Notice the new strength the disciples received once their eyes were opened to Christ - Luke 24: 31 -35. This was all a result of Christ's questions.
They constrained Jesus to stay with them - Luke 24: 28-20
Their eyes were opened when the bread was broken - Luke 24: 30-31
This is exactly what meditating on God's Word does.
Take time to ponder God's Word if you desire to learn more about Him. Anwering questions from the Word is a powerful way to do this.
Ponder on some of the questions that God has asked people in the Bible.