Matthew 7:15-29
Let everyone in the group read out two verses each in turn.
1. What does Jesus mean by "fruit" ?
(Matthew 7: 16 - 20)
2. What kind of fruit do we expect to see in Christians?
(hint Matthew 3:7-8)
3. How can we bear good fruit as Christians ?
(hint John 15:3-5)
4. What is the danger of refusing to bear good fruit?
(Matthew 7:23, John 15:6)
5. What does it mean to "build our house on the rock" ?
Matthew 7:24-25, Luke 6: 47-48
6. What does it mean to "build our house on the sand" ?
Matthew 7: 26-27
7. Why do some people build on sand ?
8. What are you building your life on - Rock or sand ?