The only promises worth making are the ones you intend to keep.
A newly married couple went to an electrical store and spotted a television set for sale at a bargain price ( 21" TV for ?50.00). They took a risk and bought it. A decision they later regretted.
The TV worked all right on the first day. Unfortunately, that was the only day it ever worked. They returned to the store two days later only to discover it had closed down.
You might say it serves them right for buying it in the first place. They definitely got a bad bargain.
We all make mistakes at one time or another. Some are just more costly than others. No matter how much money we have we still love bargains - getting things at prices much less the real value
God has a bargain on offer called Jesus. God has offered us Jesus out of his love for us. Its one bargain that is too costly to miss
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIV)
God sent Jesus to die for us because He loves us.
Do you know that you are created in the image of God ? (Genesis 1:26) God is love and we too have been made to love and be loved ( 1 John 1: 7-11). Notice how many cards and presents are exchanged during Christmas.
Even animals benefit from the love that we human beings love to show. You just need to see how much money people are willing to give to charities to appreciate how much love is locked away in our hearts.
God is love and He loves to give. God's bargain is the only thing that can really satisfy our hearts. God's gift, Jesus, is love. When you open your heart to Jesus you find life. Please do not confuse this with religion or any particular church . Going to church in itself will not give you the peace, love and life you are looking for.
Only Jesus can. The reason there is so much evil and confusion in the world today is because people have neglected and indeed rejected the love of God that can only be found in Jesus. Satan, who is the thief, is stealing our life by hiding the love of God from us.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 (NIV)
Jesus came to give us life. This is the bargain on offer and its absolutely free. You have got nothing to lose and everything to gain by receiving it. Invite Jesus into your life now. Ask Him to show you that He cares for you and died for you. Give Jesus a chance and let Him shower your heart with His love and Life. Open the door of your heart by asking Jesus in. He loves you so much that he will not force His way in. You need to open the door yourself.
If you want to receive the Life of Jesus pray this prayer with me.
"Lord Jesus, right now I open my heart and receive your love. Come and reveal yourself to me more and more. I thank you because your life gives me the power to live a life pleasing to you. Thank you Jesus because your blood washes away my sins. Amen."
Once you receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you become part of the Family of God