Being baptised with the Holy Spirit should not be the end of our seeking the Holy Spirit.
We should continuously seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit and his power. Many Christians have been baptised with the Holy Spirit but due to careless living (lack of prayer or living in sin) they are no longer filled with the power.
Just like a car runs out of petrol if not refilled, so do we as Christians run out of the power of the Holy Spirit if we do not spend time in prayer. This is why the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to speak in new tongues when we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Speaking in tongues helps us to pray more and aids us to pray effectively. Prayer is important if we are to remain filled with the Holy Spirit.
Notice how the disciples and were filled afresh with the Holy Spirit after a time of prayer Acts 4:23-31 notice verse 31
What was the sign of there being filled with the Holy Spirit afresh? (Verse 31)
Notice what happened immediately after the prayer - Act 4:32 - 33
What is another sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit -
Acts 13:52, Rm 15:13, Col 1:9-12, Eph 5: 15- 21,
Do you witness the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? If not why not spend some time asking God to fill you afresh with the Holy Spirit. Remember, being filled with the Holy Spirit is all about receiving his power.
As you continue to wait on God in prayer and study of the word you will find God renews your strength - Isaiah 40:31