To understand this parable please read Luke 7:35-40 to get the context within which the story was given. Notice that Jesus? host was one Simon, a Pharisee.
You will also notice that a woman, probably a harlot, was also present at this meeting. She washed the feet of Jesus with tears and wiped them with her hair.
It is also worth noting that denarii (or silver as some versions put it) was a days pay for a labourer (Matthew 20:1-2).
1. Read the parable - Luke 7: 41 - 50.
2. Briefly narrate the parable in your own words?
3. Who was Jesus addressing this parable to?
4. How many days pay did the first debtor owe the moneylender?
5. How many days pay did the second debtor owe the moneylender?
6. In the light of your answers to question 4 and 5, what do you think Simon learnt from this parable?
7. What do you think the woman who washed Jesus feet learnt from this parable?
8. Does this parable mean that terrible sinners (like murders) make better and more committed Christians?
9. What prompted Jesus to make the comments he did in Luke 7:48? Was it because he liked his feet being washed? Luke 7:50.
10. Which of the following statements are true.
a. Good works (like washing feet or washing cars) can get us saved?
b. We do good works because we are saved?
c. Doing good things are not necessary?
d. Being saved should prompt us to do good things.
11. How can we learn to appreciate the forgiveness of sins that Jesus has offered us?
12. What makes a committed Christian?
13. What else have you learnt from this parable?