In John 13:2 we see satan introducing the 'thought' of betraying Jesus into the mind of Judas. Judas accepts this thought, considers it in a favourable light and hence makes it his own. This opens him up to further demonic influence, as all evil thoughts do.
John 13:27 records satan entering into Judas. Notice how all this started with a thought. Thoughts can lead to actions. They can also open us up to demonic influence.
As you read through Luke 22 notice the three sources of thoughts that are implied. Since evil thoughts can ultimately result in evil actions,
pay attention to the different actions of people in the story.
2. Can you give any other examples of thoughts inspired by satan, either from the Bible or in current life? James 3: 14-15
3. Judas looked for an opportunity to betray Jesus (Luke 22:6). What opportunities does satan attempt to take advantage of in our life?
4. How did Jesus know in advance that the disciples would meet a man carrying water?
Luke 22: 7-13
5. Has God ever told you in advance about something that would happen?
6. The man carrying the water had a godly thought (telling him to go and carry water). How can we discern godly thoughts? Philippians 4:8
7. What is the danger of ignoring godly thoughts?
8. Identify the 'abnormal and supernatural' means by which the location and provision of the venue for the Lord's Supper was made?
9. Has God ever 'arranged' anything for you in an unusual way?
10. Why were the disciples arguing? Luke 22:24
11. Luke 22:24 give us a picture of thoughts that come from a human and selfish desire. How can we guard against selfish desires and thoughts?
12. How did Jesus address the arguing of His disciples?
13.What three sources of thoughts have been identified in Luke 22:1- 30?
14. What have you learnt from this study?
Everything about the Lord's Supper is supernatural. Even the provision of the venue that Jesus used on the day came by very 'abnormal means'.
Taking the Lord's Supper in the right way provides us with supernatural strength.
Jesus had supper with his disciples prior to his death (Luke 22:14-23).
Jesus asked us to take the Lord's Supper in remembrance of him (1 Corinthians 11: 24).
When we come together as Christians and eat the Lord's Supper (i.e. the bread and the wine) we are supposed to remind ourselves of what Jesus
did for us when He died.
He shed His blood to pay for our sins. Each time we take the Lord's Supper we remind ourselves of His divine provision for us. Jesus died on the
cross and rose again from the grave on the third day. His resurrection brings us victory and freedom from the forces of darkness.
The powers of darkness no longer have any power over you (Colossians 1: 12 - 14).
We can also receive our healing from sickness or disease because of the death of Jesus. (Colossians 2:14-15, 1 Peter 2:24-25)
Jesus said we should take the Lord's Supper as many times as possible.
We can take it in our homes or in the church.
The Lord's Supper is supposed to be a time of encouragement and strengthening from the Lord. It reminds us that all our needs have been met by the death and resurrection of Jesus. When we remind ourselves of the victory that Christ Jesus has attained for us we will be able to walk in them by faith.
Taking of the Lord's Supper is a physical activity aimed at reminding us of a spiritual truth; truth that brings us victory over the enemy.