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The book of 1 Samuel
After the death of Joshua Israel was ruled by Judges. Judges were people who were in close communion with God. They ruled the Nation of Israel as God's appointed leader. Their office and role was partly political as well as spiritual.
The book of Judges records the lives and activities of many of the Judges in Israel. We shall take a look at the book of Judges later.
The book of Samuel records the last two Judges of Israel - Eli and Samuel. It also introduces us to the first two Kings of Israel - Saul and David.
Samuel is a very interesting book. As we study it pay special attention to the roles different people played. Their actions and the consequences of their actions will teach you a lot.
Please read our revised notes on leading the studies and copyright notice.
- 1 Samuel 1:1-28 - Questions for discussion
This story also highlights the power of fervent prayer and the prayer of agreement. Notice the person who agreed with Hannah's prayer.
- 1 Samuel 2: 1-36
Hannah's child has been permanently lent to the Lord. Chapter two opens with Hannah's prayer. Meanwhile Eli's sons were continuing unabated in their disregard for God's law. They were treating the sacrifices people were bringing to God's house with very l
- 1 Samuel 3: Questions for Bible study discussion
We can only guess Samuel's age at this time. It's obvious he was not a baby. There is also the impression he had been living with Eli for a while.
- 1 Samuel 4 - 1 Samuel 7
God's word to Samuel is fulfilled (see 1 Samuel 3:11-14.Ichabod is born.The philistines have captured the Ark of God. This presents a big problem. How to keep property stolen from God?
- 1 Samuel 8
Israel demands a King
Samuel was old and his children were going the way of Eli's children - having a total disregard for the will of God.
- 1 Samuel 9 - 1 Samuel 10:1
Saul's father's donkeys had gone astray. Saul was assigned the task of finding them. A servant was also dispatched to assist Saul. In those days donkeys were vital. Not only were they a reliable means of transport but also represented wealth and status. T
- 1 Samuel 10: 2-27
Saul's fathers' donkeys had been found while Saul was out looking for them. His father was now more worried about him than the donkeys.
- 1 Samuel 11: 1-15
Saul defeats the Ammonites
Nahash the Ammonite, leader of the Ammonites, comes up to one of the tribes of Israel, Jabesh, and tells them he wants to remove all their right eyes in return for entering into a covenant with them. Talk about looking for trou