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Relationship Seminars
Over the past years we have held Relationship seminars. Below are several of the outline notes from these seminars.
- Relationship seminar - Walking in love
God deals with weakness and wickedness differently. So should we.
- Relationships - Communication
People love talking. But even talking comes second to being listened to.
90% of all problems people have can be taken care of if someone would just listen to them - John Sanford
- God made sex a bestseller
God made sex and no one can deny that it is a best seller. Pity He forget to put copyright on it. He would have made trillions by now.
- Before taking the plunge
You think you have found the right person to marry. You have both known each other for a considerable length of time. You are fairly confident you know all you need to about your partner and you are sure you are in love.
- Family life - bringing up children
Our children do not come with "how to handle manuals" and many parents find themselves learning on the job without a clue on what to do.
- The place of man and woman in the home
Marriage was God's idea. Woman was taken from the ribs of man.
Not from his feet, because God never intended for her to be walked all over, nor from his head because the woman was not made to look down or boss the man about.
- The place of man and woman in the creation
God's place for man and woman in creation is exacly the same; to subdue it, to excel in the spiritual and secular realm. God sees us as mankind not as men and women. Nevertheless, just like Pastors and members of a congregation are equal before God yet ha
- Five questions that God asked man.
Adam and Eve hid behind the tree. They had heard the familiar sound of God. Unlike all other times they were not looking forward to meeting Him this evening. Explaining away their disobedience seemed too tedious a task.
- Dealing with conflicts
Remember: conflict never solves itself.
Five levels of conflict and how to resolve them
- Strong Families
Nick Stinnett, Ph.D, carried out a study on 3,000 families that rated themselves very high in regards to marriage happiness and satisfaction in parent-child relationships.
- Communion
The communion was initiated by Christ before his death (Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-23) and reiterated by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:23-28.
- Getting the most out of your SPOUSE
There are others who are enduring marriage.
God's purpose is for our homes and spouse to be a continuous source of love and encouragement.
If you can remember how to spell SPOUSE you will find it easy to remember the six tips below.