He had a Choice .. He Choose the Cross He knew we needed this path of salvation, and He readily stepped up, suffered for us, and guaranteed that we would not have to do it ourselves. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Learning from Joseph - things that produce change. Of all the servants of God in the Old Testament Joseph is possibly my favourite. The scriptures reveal no apparent flaw in his character. We however know that his pathway was not a particularly easy one. I want us to take a peep into qualities that brough
Establishing your heart Establishing your heart takes a process of time. It involves a conscious effort on our part. An established heart is one rooted and grounded in the things of God. A person who has invested time with God in the Word and prayer receives an inner strength
Number 22 Loved the wages of unrighteousness more than God
Hurt feelings and demonic suggestions Cain grew up to be a fine man who worked the fields. Both Cain and Abel had the worship of God instilled into them, probably by their parents. In the process of time they both brought their sacrifices to God. Something we still do today. - Hebrews 13:15
Our Great High Priest If you have never read about God's provision of the cities of refuge under the old testament then you should do so right away. This wonderful provision of God for the Israelites has great implications for the believer under the New Testament. It will also
Are you a Truth Warrior ? Some seem scared of the Truth found in the Bible; not the interpretations of man, but the Complete Word of our Lord. How can we, as Christians, hope to guide the lost to Christ, when we ourselves are intimidated or scared of His Truth?
Hide and Seek Hiding in our sin. It isn't new. It goes all the way back in time to the creation of man. To the garden of Eden. Genesis 3:10 "And he (Adam) said, 'I heard the sound of Thee in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.'" (emphasis
How Do I Know? A friend asked me the other day, "How do you know that Jesus lives in you and you will have eternal life. Do you have warm, fuzzy feelings or what?" I really had to think about this question.
He knows you by name Your name may sound similar, or be the same as someone else's does, yet it sounds distinct to your Father in heaven. Rest assured that He has not forgotten you. He doesn't ever slap his head and say, "uh, uh, by the way, what's that child of mine's name,
He left his wife for another person Tragedy is not uncommon to those of us living on planet earth. It is an occupational hazard of living on earth. We all, at one time or another, get to know people who are taken away by death in the prime of their life. Yet many of us live as if this short
Easter - The Lord will provide Sarah must have looked on suspiciously as she watched a worried Abraham loading the donkey with the wood as he prepared to go and offer a sacrifice. We do not know if he had told anyone what he intended to do. I doubt it. Sarah however would have sensed t
Who is a Christian? What are the essential ingredients that make a Christian?
How far does Forgiveness go? After much prayer, I feel the Lord is still leading me to reach out to my family member and I do. Because that gesture is not returned does not mean forgiveness is not complete. On the other hand, I have also forgiven another individual who I felt did me
An interview with God What God would say in an interview - based on what He has already said in His Word
Temptations In temptations and trials the progress of a man is measured; in them opportunity for merit and virtue is made more manifest.
What age has God given us? Prior to the flood in Genesis 7, mankind lived close to a thousand years. Adam died at 930 and his son, Seth, lived till 920 years (Genesis 5). After the flood Noah reached the ripe age of 950 (Genesis 9) before passing away.
The Word Became Flesh In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
How to live in harmony Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
Our sovereign God and the story of Christmas Constantine was simply an instrument in our Almighty God?s hand. The Holy Spirit had already established Sunday as the Lord?s Day long before Constantine?s reign. He was simply a puppet in God?s hand.
Created in the Image of God Being in God?s image means we are like Him in several ways. The fall of mankind into sin has blurred many of these qualities, but as we receive our new life in Christ the power of the Holy Spirit works in us to bring these attributes to flourish again.
The influence of Christmas: The message of James James attitude and humility is constant throughout his writings. Here was a man that had been thoroughly moulded by the gospel. James alerts us to the need to offer full respect to all people irrespective of their status or lack of achievements in life. L
Seeing the promise is not enough in 2010 The promise was given to Zacharias. He had certainly shared it with Elizabeth. They both knew what God wanted but they still had to act. For them the works required was speaking out.
Created in His Image - Our dignity. Denying a person the dignity to express him or herself results in bringing out the worst conduct from that person.
The Tongue: James 3:1-12 The scriptural warning that teachers will receive a stricter judgement is one that needs to be heeded. This warning is not meant to discourage those who have a genuine ministry in teaching, rather it should place on us the burden of responsibility and
James 5 - What measuring rod are you using. When wealth becomes the measure of our success, our measuring rod becomes faulty and everything else in our life can fall out of place without us even realising it.