How many times have you measured yourself by weighing yourself? Well, the good news is that you are not what you weigh. The words that come from your mouth provide are a more accurate assessment of yourself.
1. Words - the foundation of life
The world was spoken into being - Genesis 1, Hebrews 11: 1-3
Salvation and God?s promises are spoken into being - Romans 10:8 -10, 1 Peter 1:23
2. Words - the product of our heart
Out of the heart the mouth speaks - Luke 6: 43 - 45
What comes out of the mouth defiles - Matthew 15: 11 - 20
3. Sound words can only come from a sound heart
Restrained in what we hear - John 6: 63
Restrained in what we say - Matthew 12: 35 - 37, 1 Corinthians 10:10
4. Words control the spiritual atmosphere
Spiritual battles - 2 Corinthians 10
Touching the heart of God - James 3: 1 - 18
5. Godly words - the door to revelation
God to Adam - where are you? (Genesis 3:9)
God to Cain - where is Abel your brother? (Genesis 4:9)
Jesus to disciples - how many loaves do you have? (Matthew 15:34)
Jesus to Peter - who do men say I the son of man am? (Matthew 16:13)
6. Questions
- How can we avoid idle words?
- What are the sources of ?godly words? available to us?
- How do the words we speak affect the people that hear them?
- What do the words we speak tell us about ourselves?
- What is the relationship between our words and Christian ministry?