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Talks and sermon outlines
- Your inheritance in Christ
We are blessed in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ - Ephesians 1:3.In other words, every provision for your physical health and welfare. Your spiritual needs: including victory over sin, fear and failure have already been met in C
- Fishing for men
Whether you are a preacher of the gospel, an evangelist, usher or singer in the church, God still expects you to bear fruit for Him.
- Seven tips for healthy living - spiritual growth
Growing up is something we do naturally and spiritually. Following are seven helpful steps to growing in our walk with the Lord.
- Breaking the stronghold of lust
Whether it is the lure of pornography via the web or television. The constant battling with bad thoughts, the over indulgence in eating and drinking or the unserviceable desire to live beyond your means of income. Many of us struggle with lust in one way
- How to teach or preach? - short version
How to construct a preach
- Restrained in speaking
How many times have you measured yourself by weighing yourself? Well, the good news is that you are not what you weigh. The words that come from your mouth provide are a more accurate assessment of yourself.
- Handling the storms of life
Storms are a natural occurrence of life. They come as a result of the climate. We all face them from time to time.Broadly speaking, storms can be divided into three types. The type of storm you are facing dictates how you deal with it.
- He has a purpose for your life - part 1
Adapted from the Book
The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?
by Rick Warren
- He has a purpose for your life - part 2
You have been trusted we what you have - your wife, husband, children, ministry, gifts, talents, intellect, finance, jobs
The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it. Psalm 24:1 (New American Standard Bible).
- He has a purpose for your life - part 3
Surrender to God is worship. The more we worship Him we fulfil our purpose and He reveals to us the more specific areas He would want us to serve Him.
- Hebrews 11 - Growing in Faith
God sees our weaknesses yet encourages us into strength - Heb 12:1
- Prayer
Prayer is taking our troubles to God. Faith is leaving them there.
- How are you doing spiritually?
The following questionnaire is designed as a self-assessment test of your spiritual health. Complete the questionnaire truthfully and it will act as a good gauge of how your spiritual life is progressing.
- Communication in the modern world
Learning to communicate in the modern world
- Talks and powerpoint presentations
PowerPoint slide presentation on Nicodemus, Genesis and what it means to be created in God's image, The gifts of the Holy Spirit, The book of Psalms. Can be used in church and conference talks
- Gideon - lessons for today
It was during an era of servitude under the Midians that Gideon became a judge (Judges 6). The Judges fulfilled a military leadership role, although most of them also had political and spiritual functions.
- Getting it right - 2 Kings 5
The nation of Israel divided into two after the death of Solomon (1 Kings 12). The ten tribes in the north, known as Israel, with Samaria as capital and two tribes in the south known as Judah with Jerusalem as the capital.
- Notes on Philippians
One of the 13 letters of Paul the Apostle. Written to the church in the city of Philippi in Macedonia, the first church Paul founded in Europe (Acts 16:12). Paul was directed here by a divine intervention (Acts 16:9-11). A testimony to the guiding hand of
- Your life in Christ - the message of Colossians
It is not what we know that makes us free but whom we know.We will never cease to be plagued with sin in this world; but we will never again be brought under the dominion of sin. This is a crucial difference we need to grasp.
- The heart of the Gospel
The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give us the details of the life, works, words and wonders of Jesus. All that Jesus came to do for mankind is known as the gospel.
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit
A talk on being baptised with the Holy Spirit
- Our inheritance in Christ
Prayer brings us into communion with God. It is part of our inheritance. When we are robbed of our prayer life we are being robbed of our inheritance.
- How to choose a Bible
Choosing a Bible for yourself or a new Christian is not an easy task. The following guide aims to help you in making a choice of which English translation or version of the Bible to use.
- Building a solid foundation in God's Word.
Part two explores the unique abilities we possess as human beings made in the image of God. We are spiritual beings with a body that possess an intellect and emotions. None of these are bad. All are part of our humanity and can be used for the glory of Go
- Moral issues
As a Christian grows in the Lord he / she becomes more mature (at least that is the plan). The Holy Spirit aids in communicating to us the will of God in ? understanding God?s Word and establishing integrity and sound judgement in ethical issues. All thes
- The Father heart of God
God?s wrath is not a display of uncontrolled emotions of anger. Rather God?s wrath shields our sinfulness from his holiness.