Warren Mize
After a trip to Pensacola
First, let me thank you and your congregation once again for your extreme graciousness and sensitivity as God was moving on me last Friday night (12/6/96) at "Revival." You'll never know how much I appreciated your kindness.
Thank you for allowing us to join your intercession group and for making a way for us up front. I also look forward to meeting your pastor personally. By the way, I got the use of my left leg back... thank God!
Well, what can I say? Not only did I not sleep a wink that evening... it's Wed. and I'm still trembling... but Sunday morning's service, after a couple of hours of prayer and intercession, the fire fell! Each time I would step behind the pulpit, I would tremble.
After sharing a strong but loving message on idolatry, before I could even get to the altar call, they were running to the front in repentance.
Two specific cases: A young man and his wife (she's an ex stripper) were radically saved. He came to our prayer meeting Sunday night and told me that he would have to look for a new job since the one he was to start Wed. of this week was as a bartender at a local bar. He said God wouldn't allow him to do that. His wife was in convulsive tears after the service.
Another case: There's a young teen girl, senior in high school here, that's been involved in a lesbian relationship with another girl at her school. She came to the front, and the Spirit of the Lord spoke through me to her. She wasn't moved. I was shocked since the Holy Spirit was so strongly working. She came up after the service and asked me to pray for her because it was so "hard and difficult." I did.
She met Monday night with our youth pastor and an elder's wife, and after a time, broke. She made a commitment to ask forgiveness of the Father, and of the girl with whom she was involved. She did so, and told the girl at school the next day that Jesus was coming back and she had to get her life straight. She's on the road of deliverance and cleansing. God's moving powerfully.
There are many other instances... I could go on and on. I'm usually a skeptic when it comes to manufacturing a move of God. Raised as a "PK" and have seen so much manipulation, but there's no doubt that this is God.
We were invited by the director of Mercy Ships to have a special breakfast on Saturday morning with him. We're very involved with YWAM and Mercy Ships. After not sleeping, I had no appetite, but all I could tell him (his name is Brett Curtis - Dir. Caribbean Mercy Ship) was they were there for a "Divine purpose."
I suppose they will be visiting revival in Jan. We're coming back in January for their Inaugural Launch of their new surgical unit on that ship. Plan on bringing a large group. That's on the 18th of Jan. However, I feel really compelled to bring my wife and kids down before then when things start up... if they haven't started up here by then which may be the case at this rate.
I must say, I'm not going to presume upon God... not one bit! In fact, I'm very cautious with Him right now. He's doing such a work in me personally. I didn't know that I had so much junk in my life. I've asked Father to show me His heart on sin and how He feels... Man! He started cleaning me! I'm purposing to be a holy vessel.
The fire of God is coming. His wrath and judgment are at hand, and only the pure will escape it. That evening, my right arm shook violently, especially when specific words were spoken concerning judgment or holiness. Along with that, my finger on that hand was pointing. I tried to control it, but it was in vain.
I asked Father what it meant. He said that the right arm was His arm of judgment coming and that the pointing finger was for His people to know the way of escaping that judgment. Whoa! Time is so short. We have no more options. All flesh will be consumed. That means fleshly activity within the body of Christ, in ministers and pastors, all spiritual leaders, in the saints of God will be burned up like the grass.
I pray for us all that God's mercy will prevail and that we will repent of our wrong doings (God calls it sin.) Judgment is at hand.
I read Gen. 19 - Sodom and Gomorah, et al who were judged by God. God spoke to me about Fire falling. Read Amos... He said he promised never again to flood the earth as He did in Noah's time, but Fire's a different story. Fire is promised in the day of the Lord.
(Man, the minor prophet's books are really alive to me now!) In fact, it's a sure sign that God's day is at hand. God have mercy on us! God, raise up voices to proclaim the truth of our need for repentance.
I know this has been a lengthy letter. But I share these things with you first as an update, and secondly because I felt led by God.
If you really knew me, you would know that I'm not usually inclined to consider such harsh promises of the Word much less to even talk about them. But, since Friday night, it's been like fire shut up in my bones! I have to obey.
Drop a line. Please tell your pastor that we're praying for him and those in your congregation. I'm not sure if you received my business card, so for the sake of info., here's our stats...
Warren Mize, Sr. Pastor
Redeemed Family Church
15033 Nacogdoches Rd. Ste 109
San Antonio, TX 78247-1221
Office: 210-590-2341
Fax: 210-590-7968
e mail - 102676.1661@compuserve.com