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Testimonies to the goodness of God
Let the words and testimonies of Christians from all over the world encourage and strengthen your faith. You can also submit one of your own.
- Christian Tool Kit: belt of truth
Did you know that Satan eats SCUBA divers for lunch! Now before you think that I have gone off the deep end, let me tell you how I came to this sinking conclusion.
- Hang In There
For 24 years, I, Bruce Pobanz, traveled the world as a Pro-Wrestler named "The Hangman". I retired from the ring where I was a World Champion and held numerous local championship belts. Since then I have branched out into acting where I have performed in
- Miracle of God's love and healing
Some construction workers left a heap of trash, a seed had fallen into a crevice, and out of the rubbish grew a flower. Who can make a miracle happen in a pile of rubbish? Who can make a trash heap come alive with beauty? The only possible answer is that
- The Bridge
There was once a bridge which spanned a large river. During most of the day the bridge sat with its length running up and down the river paralleled with the banks, allowing ships to pass thru freely on both sides of the bridge. But at certain times each d
- Salvation
Before I received Jesus I lived and thought as though I could do and achieve whatever I set my mind to, if I was sincere enough and really put my heart to it. This was especially true in relationships.
- My encounter with Angels
But only gloom pervaded my heart, and I was quietly weeping. Moments earlier my wife, Alice, and I had prayed urgently for our desperate financial need. The tears had flowed easily as we made our petition before God. I told Alice I needed to walk, but ass
- Born again
I was sitting here thinking about what being a Christian means to me. The Bible says, that as Christians, we are the bride of Christ. I was remembering what it was like when Bill and I first got married.
- Testimony on healing
If we believe the word of God and have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and are reading and hearing that word, then we DO HAVE at least the faith of the mustard seed! Yes, even if our measure of faith is tiny, we do have enough! So then, why does th
- My Savior
You see Jesus in His word in the Bible teaches us this. Jesus said I am the Resurrection and the life and who so ever live in me SHALL NEVER DIE.
- The Lord is my strength
I had all kinds of emotions from anger to sadness. I asked God why me? I cried so much wishing I was dead. I didn't want to be confined to a wheelchair. I was always an active person. I loved to do jump rope. I even used to walk all the way to school duri
- A Jew who found his way home
By the time I got Marysville, WA I was a little concerned. When we got to Bellingham and still no service station open I was very concerned. I kept praying to God for help but I didn't see any help anywhere. Finally at 2:00 AM I ran out of gas about 2 mil
- Ever Get Discouraged?
We do have one advantage. Christians are easy to get off track. But the discouraging thing is, once we've got them sidetracked, a whole new wave comes along and gets the church back on track -- its as if there is an invisible spirit of some sort correctin
- Exceedingly Abundantly Above
For years my body had stayed fit from eight or twelve hours of hard physical labor every day. Now my factory job had ended, and the extra pounds were creeping on very easily. Losing them had become a tremendous strggle.
- Revival in Pensacola
Our revival began on Fathers Day in June of 1995, however the real beginning of this mighty outpouring started right around the corner from you. American missionary/evangelist Steve Hill read an article in Time magazine that captured his attention.
- In the valley of tears
I am Ibrahim who, for the sake of my family's security, go also by the nickname Timothy Abraham. I am a simple Egyptian from the Delta region. Farms surrounded me from every side with streams of the luxurious Nile River endowing life with fertility. I had
- Revival & intercession
The fire of God is coming. His wrath and judgment are at hand, and only the pure will escape it. That evening, my right arm shook violently, especially when specific words were spoken concerning judgment or holiness. Along with that, my finger on that han
- A visit to Pensacola
In September of 1966 my husband, Coogan, myself, my mother in law and my sister in law left Texas for Pensacola. We had heard about the revival and wanted to find out what was going on since none of us have ever experienced anything like that.
- Life as a Student
There are positive aspects to being a student - you get invited round for meals, people are generally sympathetic to your struggles with work, you have more control over how you want to spend your time, how early or how late to get out of bed, the luxury
- Freed from Oppression
I wasn't raised A/G, so when I began manifesting last year January it was a great and new thing to me. Anytime someone would mention the Bible or God at work, I would shake like a leaf - sometimes all day. Yet in the midst of all this, my depression worse
- Year of the favour of the Lord
The first day we were there,Friday, we waited in line for twelve hours to get into the church and barely made it into the main sanctuary. Even though I waw raised in an Assemblies of God church, and had seen tapes of the Brownsville revival, I was still s
- The will to forgive
Betrayed! I think I'm going to be sick. This can't be happening. This can't be true. My hope for a better life -- for a normal life -- crushed by the words of one man. The man I thought would be my savior. The man I thought would deliver me from the hell
- My Word will not return unto me void
I was born in Regina, Sask.,Canada. I was raised in a non-Christian home and at about 6years of age, was "sent off",to Sunday school at a nearby Salvation Army Gospel Hall. There I received an award Bible for the highest marks in the Primary Sunday School
- Testimony
For the last three years I have been training to be a full time missionary. The church where I was training for missions was not open to the Holy Spirit moving. In fact, they did not encourage the gifts of the Spirit. They did not profess them to be unbib
- God's Word and repentance
Now, while I was in college, there were many who were sent by God to try to help save my soul, and some of them were called 'Campus Crusaders For Christ.'
- Critics of Revival
There are many people that unfortunately focus on what they see on the outside and judge from there, instead of looking on the heart like Christ does.
- Confess and be saved
I got saved about 4 years ago. I was working out, when a women came up tome and told me the Truth about Jesus. Her name was Marie. I woe the Lord my life. O owe this woman because she responded to the Lord's beckoning.
- Coming to Christ
My story is kind of different from the others, because I always new that God was there, but while He was actively seeking me, I was actively seeking the world.
- Nearly Missed the Rapture
I was born in London but grew up in Brentwood, just on the outskirts of London. Both my parents were of African decent. When I was about eleven years old my parents decided that it was time we returned to Africa, Nigeria to be precise.
- Peer Pressure
Brought up in a Christian home, I took it for granted I was a believer. What, with a seventh day Pastor for a father!
- Finding Him
It was late spring of 1993 when I realized that my world was coming apart. I had quit the job that I had held as a dispatcher for a major trucking company for a little over five years, and returned to cross country truck driving
- God works over time
The only other person in the pool area was a workman there installing new ultra violet tanning lights. I watched the workman complete the installation and then leave.
- A Changed Life
To cut a long story short, I'll just say that by my late teens I was in a real mess. I'd been unpopular at school and I'd always had difficulty making friends, and even more difficulty finding girlfriends! I felt very lonely, and had a strong addiction to
- A love story
The Lord then asked me, "If you were deaf, would you still listen to my word?" How could I listen to anything being deaf? Then I understood. Listening to God's Word is not merely using our ears, but our hearts.
- Free To Live
Some strangers were let into the locked area of the hospital, together with the security. I had no ideal where they came from? They wanted to pray with me. Why me? an atheist?I felt very out of place, inside me there was inexpressible turmoil, but in the
- 1985, Creative writing 101
I had no choice. There was no question in my mindabout what my subject would have to be, but how would I write about such anincident to a person like this?
- How Has God Been So Patient?
I was born and raised by very wonderful, Godly parents. I was raised in the Pentecostal church and went to an old, established church in Toronto until Kathy and I got married at 21.
- He Who the Son Has Set Free, Is Free Indeed
When I found Jesus as my personal Savior in a prison cell, I experienced the miracle of His love and gift of salvation.