By Monica
I am twenty years old from Hope, Arkansas. I attended the revival at Brownsville in February 97. We attended two services. I went with ten other youth.
The first day we were there,Friday, we waited in line for twelve hours to get into the church and barely made it into the main sanctuary. Even though I waw raised in an Assemblies of God church, and had seen tapes of the Brownsville revival, I was still staring at all the unusual ways God manifested himself in people there.
God's presence in that place was so awesome that I went to the alters to repent for being severly backslidden for the past 7 years, and have not been the same person since. God has put a burning desire in my heart to serve him, and revealed to me that the only way to avoid the coming wrath of God is to remain pure and holy in His precious name.
He has taken all the desires of Satans world from me and I cant think of anything but being in His splendid glory.
He has really touched ny life like never before and wants to do the same for everyone if you just ask him. I honestly believe that these are the last seconds before He returns for His pure and holy church.
Repent in the name of Jesus, before its too late. I am so glad that I know I am ready for his return. God bless.