By Joe
Now, while I was in college, there were many who were sent by God to try to help save my soul, and some of them were called 'Campus Crusaders For Christ.'
And they almost converted me too, but I guess that I had WAY too much childhood abuse to recover from until I could feel comfortable amongst all of those 'bubbly' Christians that I had met. (BTW: All you 'Campus Crusader's For Christ' keep up the good work, you DID plant the seed in just fell on a rock.)
So I went off on my own and tried to solve my problems with drugs, got into a bad marriage, etc.; but, then I met my current gift from God and a truly wonderful woman, who helped me to heal.
And although I didn't know it, God was right there all along watching over me, so that I didn't get into any more trouble that what I already had gotten into.
As I had drifted for my whole life, I had tried to trust in my feelings for spiritual fulfillment, but that never ever got me very far. Then, members of a cult called 'Heaven's Gate' killed themselves, my son was about to be born, and I asked myself: "what was my purpose in this life anyway?"
I could not understand how so-called 'Christians' could kill themselves, and if my son had ever asked me why it was wrong to hurt people, I would have been unable to answer him.
I also had this INCREDIBLY empty feeling deep inside my heart, and I knew that I needed spiritual fulfillment..AND PRONTO! (Later on, I realized that the Heaven's Gate cult members were not Christians after all.)
So I was compelled to read God's Holy Bible on March 31, 1997, and God reached down to me.
Every word I read from the Bible that night EXPLODED off the page deep into my heart, and as I gave my life over to Jesus, I began a process of repentance, forgiveness and purifying my soul that has not stopped to this day!!
AND I pray that it NEVER will and that I will ALWAYS feel the zeal of God's Love in my heart, now and forever! Amen! Thank you Jesus! I love you so, Jesus!!
God bless you all in this fine forum, and may His light shine down upon each and every one of you and keep you safe from harm...especially you younguns. Keep the fire of Jesus burning brightly in your heart for others to see, OK!?
Take it from one who has MADE the mistakes: you don't need to experiment with the dark side of life AT ALL, because Jesus can save you from ALL of the suffering that sinning can cause.
And for those of you who like to witness to non-believers: if I can be born-again at age 40, then ANYONE can! It's NEVER too late! Good luck in all of your ministering the Word of God to everyone that we meet every day. God bless....
Because of the cross I am saved,