I once listened to a man of God say ?remember that nothing lasts forever?.
Better said as ?nothing on earth lasts forever?.
If this saying is true, which it is, we should take every moment as a privilege and maximise it. On the other hand, if we are going through a rough patch, the same applies, for it will not last forever.
Life is interesting, it has its up?s and downs, but sometimes we get consumed in the moment, allowing things, circumstances and situations to overshadow us.
Lets take each situation and apply this principle. Your children will not be young forever, maximise the time with them while you can. Ask parents, child rearing goes so fast.
It may be your marriage, do all you can to make it the best, its not forever, it?s only for a season on earth.
It may be ministry, it wont last forever, I am sure you can remember honourable men of God, they lived and went to be with the Lord.
Live for Christ, follow His will; you only have the privilege once.
Lets apply our heart unto wisdom and maximise the time/ moments we have in all areas of our life. Psalm 90: 12.
Bisi Oladipupo