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Get refreshed, inspired and encouraged as you read from Bisi. She writes in her own unique style - articles borne out of experience and inspiration, covering every area of the christian life.
These exhortations are aimed to motivated and encourage you in your walk with God.
- Accidents don't always happen.
As I was driving down to work one morning I suddenly realised that for over a period of about 18 months l had not witnessed one accident on my journey to work. It then dawned on me that accidents only happen very rarely, and thank God that they are rare.
- Don't take your strength for granted
The word glory means - that aspect in a person or God worthy of praise, honour or respect: often associated with brightness or splendour in *theophanies.
- Not a Nightmare, it's real
Driving from work one evening I was listening to a lady on the radio narrating her experience of when she lost her only daughter.
- Nothing lasts forever
I once listened to a man of God say ?remember that nothing lasts forever?.
- Rescue Service
Flowing slowly with the traffic on my way to work one morning I could not help noticing a van with the inscription ?RAC Rescue Service? pass by.
- The Slothful Hunter
Can you imagine a man that sets out to hunt for an animal and accomplishes his mission only to leave the carcass of his prey in the garden unattended! What will eventually happen?
- Do not drop your weapons
We are all familiar with the way in which a violent offender is arrested.
- Watch and Pray
We often find it easy to pray for situations and people close to us: our children, husband, wife and perhaps the situation at work. And then we get stuck!
- Why should l love my enemies?
We must remember that God?s desire is to have all men saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth. Someone says, but my enemy is a fellow Christian so this underlining factor does not apply.
- You will reap what you Sow
Imagine the heartache and deception over those years. Nevertheless, before we forget, Jacob himself had deceived his own father, Isaac, into thinking and accepting he was Esau. What heartache he would have brought upon his own father, receiving a blessing
- Have you signed in?
I am talking about making yourself known and accountable. Some people attend church but do not allow the church to attend to them. They skilfully sidestep all commitment, do not identify themselves with the church and keep a safe distance from anyone with
- We need to put first things first
Are these prayers first in your prayer life? We are responsible for praying for those in authority i.e country, local authority/ county, workplace, anyone/ system that God has given authority over us.
- The inevitable
It is only sensible to prepare for things that will surely happen. Some things in life are bound to happen and not preparing for those things or not knowing how to respond to such may lead to disaster.
- What sort of vessel are you?
God does not have favourites, anyone can be a vessel unto honour as long as the requirements are meet. Being diligent to cleanse ourselves thoroughly will cause a person to be a vessel of honour; set apart and useful for the master
- Don?t introduce your children to church.
As Christians we have to be very careful of how we introduce the faith to our children. If you introduce children to church and not to a living relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ you may be breeding rebellion for the future.
- Don?t be ignorant
As Christians we need to daily study the word of God, take advantage of various ministry gifts that God has placed in His body to build us up, and trust His spirit to teach us and expose areas of ignorance in our life so we can be well informed and equipp
- Out of court settlement
Most of us have heard of the term 'out of court settlement'. This simply means a person is being taken to court, or has the potential to be taken to court because of something that they may or may not have done. If the person being taken to court thinks
- Its not about the sacrifice but the motive.
How we need to judge ourselves in the area of love? Lets not be deceived, the sacrifice could be great, however in Gods eyes, it may be of no profit.
- Things to be done in secret
Jesus during his earthly ministry used many illustrations to explain spiritual truths.
Lets look at a few things the bible says should be done in secret.
- Keys to maintaining relationships
We all need one another. Life is about relationships and we need to know how to keep and maintain them.Below are a few keys to keeping your relationships.
- Is the love of the father in you?
This is the question, is the love of the father in you? Will you take a better paid job than fulfill the plan of God for your life? Will you go for the pride of life in job positions than obey God? Will you rather buy that expensive car than obey the fath
- What are you doing with the poor?
When most people hear the word poor, what comes to mind is a person with no money, however there is a more serious meaning of poor.
- The caring heart
Have you ever tried to reach out to someone and its just bounced back right in your face? All you wanted to do was care and reach out in love but it was not accepted. In some cases it may have been accepted for a while and then abruptly rejected.
- Its really about you!
This servant was tormented because of unforgiveness. We have no idea what sort of torment this servant went through, however torment is not pleasant.
- The lost act of waiting
In the days in which we live in, especially in the western world,it seems many do not want to wait for what they require. Most services can be booked in advance by an appointment. However, when we do have to wait for a short while we complain and feel tha
- Undue Exposure
How do we expose ourselves to attack? By not listening to the Holy Spirit who God has been sent to be our guide (John 16:13). By not putting on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:11- 17). By going to places that God does not send us to (Exodus 33; 15 -
- Have you been betrayed?
Have you ever been betrayed? Someone close to you was disloyal, your friend, a person you lest expected it from. To be betrayed can be hurtful and naturally painful, but what is Gods response to betrayal?
- Don't be ashamed at His return
For the moment you depart from here, the opportunities you had to complete your assignment have gone forever.I implore you to rearrange your priorities, pick up the mantle, and run. Do what the Lord wants you to do.
- What happened to my joy?
It is clear from these scriptures that joy should be evident in our lives as Christians. The joy of salvation! What a glorious joy we should be experiencing on a daily basis, living for God and His kingdom. However, as much as this should be our experienc
- A People of compassion!
In scripture we have examples of what the Lord Jesus Christ did when He was moved with compassion. Lets look at a few.
- Are you living on supplements?
I would equate nutritional supplements in the christian faith to books, tapes, CDs or DVD messages. In these days of technology there is so much christian material out there that we can lay our hands on. While they do have a significant place in our grow
- Where is your treasure?
Are you more concerned about getting a good paid job than the things of God? Are you concerned about lost souls? Are you supporting in any way the gospel of the kingdom, or are you indifferent? Just can't be bothered.
- Bringing up children - a good work!
Did you know that bringing up children in the bible is classified as a good work?
- Closet Christians
Are you a closet Christian? What do l mean? Do others know that you are a Christian, or is your Christianity restricted to Sunday morning? Do you aim to live the life of Christ on a daily basis?
- Are you claiming your benefits?
Most western societies have what we call a benefit or welfare system. In the United Kingdom it is known as the benefit system. It simply means that if at any time you fall short of money to keep yourself, due to unemployment or other justifiable reasons,
- Things called beautiful in the bible
Things called beautiful in the bible
- The disciple whom Jesus Loved
What a great way to describe a person and a honour. Let?s examine a few things about whom the Lord loved.
- Joseph! an obedient man
Joseph was an obedient man
- Distraction thieves!
The role of a distraction thief is to distract you from what is important.
- Have you made a mistake? Don't give up!
Have you asked the Lord to forgive you? He has. Now forget about your feelings, forgive yourself and move on to do exploits for the Lord. God has not finished with you yet. He still has great plans for you.
- Sources of true happiness.
Sources of true happiness.
- Roadblocks hinder, don't be one!
We have all experienced roadblocks at one time or another while driving. Can you recollect when you were driving down to work and meeting a roadblock on the way? What was the effect of the roadblock?
- He cried the louder!
If you notice from the above he was told to stop shouting but instead he cried the louder. Jesus then commanded him to be brought to him and he received his sight.
- Our God given navigation system
As we journey through life, there are many decisions that need to be made. Who do l marry? What job should l take? Which church should l attend? I know the Lord has called me, but when do l step out? Which school should l let my children attend? and many