Luke 6.27 says 'Love your enemies and do good to them that hate you'.
Such a saying is hard on the flesh, however why does God want us to love our enemies.
We must remember that God?s desire is to have all men saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth. Someone says, but my enemy is a fellow Christian so this underlining factor does not apply.
We need to remember that Jesus shed His blood for all men. When you love your enemies, you are showing them Gods love, which hopefully in the end will convict them to get saved.
The end of a sinner is eternal damnation. No hope forever and ever. What a terrible place to be. God will do anything to save a person from eternal grief and so should we.
But you protest - this person is a fellow Christian. God is love and His love has been shed abroad in our hearts.
Perhaps the person is ignorant of some scriptural truths, or not matured enough to know that he/ she is doing wrong.
God loves all men and your walking in love towards that person might remind them of how they really ought to be walking and bring them to repentance. Your response should mirror the image of Christ.
Ultimately, God wants all men to be saved and He wants His children to be Christ like and live to their full potential in Him.
God?s goodness leads us to repentance Romans 2: 4 (b). The wisdom behind loving our enemies is to lead them to repentance.
There is profit in loving our enemies. The profit could be character development, eternal glory, promotion and a host of other things. There is always profit in obeying God.
Remember that being godly i.e. godliness is profitable unto all things - 1 Timothy 4, 8.