The nation of Israel divided into two after the death of Solomon (1 Kings 12). The ten tribes in the north, known as Israel, with Samaria as capital, and two tribes in the south, known as Judah, with Jerusalem as the capital.
Elisha was a prophet in Samaria. During the time of Elisha Israel suffered raids from the Syrians (2 Kings 5:2). Naaman was the leader of the Syrian army during this period.
Jesus referred to the story of Naaman at the onset of his ministry. Naaman was the only leper healed in Israel during the time of Elisha. Jesus used this as a rebuke to the nation of Israel over their wrong attitude. The same wrong attitude that hindered lepers getting healed in Elisha's time was still hindering the Jews from receiving the ministry of Jesus.
The lessons inherent in this story are still relevant for us today. Having the right attitude will not only get us to fulfil God's purpose for our life but will also cause us to thrive in our homes, social life and work.
The right attitude can be judged by how we treat other people. Do people find you approachable?
Anger nearly deprived Naaman of his healing. He was however wise enough to heed the sound counsel of his servants. He dealt with his anger and avoided making a decision in annoyance. Finally, Naaman awoke to his true purpose in God. He gave his prayer, praise and ponder a focus. God was his focus. He became aware of the relationship God wanted to have with him and the hindrances that were on the way.
In this talk we shall take time to reflect on how the right attitude, and the control of our anger will cause us to awake to God's direction in our life.
1 Attitude
2 Kings 5:1-6
2 Anger
2 Kings 5:6 - 14
Quote - There is no greater obstacle to the presence of the Holy Spirit in us than anger.
John Climacus (Monk 6th century)
Quote - resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
3 Awaking
2 Kings 5: 15 - 19
Quote - Anger blows out the lamp of the mind. It's a child's reaction to an adult situation. Anon.
Quote - God never gives us discernment in order that we might criticize, but that we might intercede. Oswald Chambers
Concluding with Gehazi
2 Kings 5:20 - 27