John 8:32,36 says; "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free for sure."
Some construction workers left a heap of trash, a seed had fallen into a crevice, and out of the rubbish grew a flower. Who can make a miracle happen in a pile of rubbish? Who can make a trash heap come alive with beauty? The only possible answer is that this was the works of a Supreme Creator. The Lord Jesus Christ.
My life was like that heap of trash, that pile of rubbish for many years. I started out life with parents who did not want me and who put me up for adoption. I was adopted at age two and grew up as an only child. I had everything life could offer materially but I never felt loved. I believe this was due to the fact that my parents gave me everything in an effort to buy my love. There was however a lack of discipline in my life and I began to think nobody cared.
As I approached my teen years I began to rebel against my home situation, school, and society. I went around with the wrong crowd and eventually began trying different drugs. The first drug was hash and very quickly I began getting into trouble.
My parents felt they could not handle me and contacted our family doctor who took charge its seems. He began to give me pills that made me feel wonderful and like I was in a different world. I had no cares while on these pills and did not realize that they would lead me into a life of addiction. I trusted this physician as anyone would and kept going back to him. Each time he would give me more pills until I could not live without them.
Some of the drugs I was on were valium and barbiturates. It got to the point that to function I had to take pills morning , noon , and night. Without them I became very ill. With cramps, nausea very spaced out etc. Twice, I went to the teen challenge center in New York for treatment but left both times. I was not ready for the help they offered or the discipline. I wanted both worlds help and the drugs. This of course did not work. You can only receive freedom from addiction when you are willing and want help. I had not reached that point of extremity in my life yet to gain by any help offered
To make a long story short, after about 27 years of a life on drugs, and sexual and physical abuse I did reach that point of extremity in my life. I had gotten married and have two sons. In the fall of 1979 after having taken two many drugs that became toxic to my system I went on a crime spree. This ended me up in court facing nine charges. After a plea bargain five were dropped and I received time in prison for the other four. One was for attempted armed robbery. I was a first offender and therefore received a short sentence.
While in prison I felt life had come to an end. My family did visit me including my two teen-age boys. This was very difficult for them and for me as well I remember my youngest asking me if I was okay. He was concerned I would get hurt there. I had finally reached that place in my life where I knew I had to have help or life was over. A Baptist minister visited me weekly and counseled me and did Bible study with me. He helped me see my need of the Lord in my life.
One day in my prison cell I asked Jesus to come into my life. I remember praying this prayer, "Lord there is not much left of me, but what there is you can have. Come into my heart and save me. Forgive me of my sins and free me from my addiction." Immediately, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit engulf my entire being and I knew that moment Jesus had saved me and set me free. Praise His wonderful name. Tears streamed down my face as I realized what Jesus had done.
When I was released from prison I knew God had a ministry for me. I had felt his call in my life while still in prison to help those in conflict with the law. However I attended much counseling for the first year. After a time of proving in my life God began to open up doors of ministry and I became a court worker and parole supervisor for the Salvation Army Correctional Services in my hometown. I had received a pardon from the government of Canada and I began to visit the same prison I had been in and to counsel inmates and their families. God gave me favor and blessed me
I have experienced freedom from drugs in my life ever since then. I have also suffered from asthma, degenerative disk disease, arthritis, and fibromyalgia but God has proved to be my sufficiency through all of the trials, pain, and suffering that I have experienced and His healing touch in on my life. Just recently I had a cat scan done and it showed a mass on my right kidney. We prayed about it and when I had an ultrasound done to see whether this could be cancer the mass was completely gone.
God has baptized me in the Holy Ghost and has opened up doors of ministry to me via the Internet where under the anointing of God I try and minister to hurting people on a daily basis . Jesus led me on a long journey from darkness to light, from prison to Praise. If you are out there and you do not know which way to turn, with your life going no where and you feel helpless, lonely and desperate, then turn your life over to Jesus.
If you are suffering from chronic illness He can and will bring healing and set you free from drugs or anything else that may have you bound. He will give you the same hope that he gave to me. He will give you something worth living for.
If I can be of any help to you please contact me and I will, with God?s help do all I can to help you find the Savior that I have learned to love and serve. In summation I leave this verse of Scripture with you found in (John 3:16) "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Also there is a story told of a man named Peter Miller who lived in Pennsylvania and Peter had a neighbor in the American Army who was in deep trouble. As a soldier, he had committed a crime and was facing a court martial.
General George Washington, who later became president of the United States, was to preside. When Peter heard of this, he waded through snow for 60 miles and pleaded that the General extend mercy to his neighbor. The General was moved by the plea and said, I?ll see what I can do for you friend." Peter Miller replied," Oh, he is not my friend, he?s my worst enemy."
That is the way of love. God loves us far more than Peter loved his neighbor. The God who gave Peter love can also find a way to repair our broken relationship with Him. He wants to save us, to free us from sin.
When I found Jesus Christ as my Savior in a prison cell I experienced the greatest miracle of God?s love, the gift of his salvation and my life became a brand new one. I had freedom within my soul; a freedom in Christ that I experienced and that is so real today.
What will you do with Jesus? Will you obey Him or reject him? What will you answer be? I hope you will choose to experience God's miracle of love.God bless.
In the Master's Service Sister Phyllis Corbin
Shelter Ministries