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Mary brings insights from God's Word
Mary brings insights from the Word of God in her distinctive manner. The latest additions appear at the top of the list. Some of the past articles are below.
- Being in anguish, He prayed more fervently
When we become born again we become new creatures in Christ. However our flesh is constantly crying out and trying to take over, but as we become more imbued by the Holy Spirit (through prayer) and study the word on a daily basis, we grow in strength and
- The Fight Is Fixed!
Bill drew his strength from his new coach who was rumoured to have some connections with the judge that would be judging on the night of the fight. Bill almost appeared cocky with a smug smile on his face.
- Only a fool breaks the two second rule
The setting of speed limits on streets and highways is a technical science backed by many years of research and experience on what works and doesn't work for the safety and benefit of the motorist. They guide inexpe us to arrive at our destination safely.
- The Greatest Vaccine.
The day you accepted Christ as your lord and saviour you received the greatest, most reliable and effective vaccine ever created. It?s not man made, never runs out and is ever flowing from our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Hey, Do you have beautiful feet?
If we will lift up on the name of Jesus on this earth he will do the 'drawing and the saving'. You cannot save but you can sow seeds of salvation by preaching the word of God.
- Don't be so short sighted
We need to take a harder look around us. Standing right next to you is the omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient God. Yes he is always present. Standing faithfully next to you at all times.
- Don't chase the shadow: chase the substance.
The devil is a master at projecting shadows and counterfeits which are imperfect imitations of Gods plan and purpose for the believer. If you?ve ever watched a child (ignorant of the fact that a shadow has no mass) attempt to chase and grab hold of their
- New year resolutions
I hope that you will keep on hoping in Christ, the beautiful vine to which we are connected. Without him we can do nothing. I pray that all your hopes and dreams become a reality in 2006 in Jesus? name and I wish you a very happy new year.
- Internalized forgiveness
Christianity offers what cannot be found in any other religions. In fact I?ve discussed the forgiveness of sins that can be found in Christ with friends from different religious backgrounds. These people often reject this biblical truth because they find