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The Book of Hebrews
The book of Hebrews grants us a revelation of Jesus that is unique in the New Testament. Hebrews stands alone in declaring Jesus as our Great High Priest. No other book in the New Testament accords Jesus with this title.
- Come boldly to the throne of Grace
God wants us to come boldly into His presence. Our confidence and boldness should be based on His mercy and grace. Indeed His very presence is called the Throne of mercy and grace.
- Jesus in Hebrews
He is higher than the angels
The exact representation of God (1:1-4).
He is the one to whom all things are subject (2:8-10).
He is our Great High Priest (3:1)
- The book of Hebrews - Introduction
The book of Hebrews grants us a revelation of Jesus that is unique in the New Testament. Hebrews stands alone in declaring Jesus as our Great High Priest.
- Reflections from Hebrews - deity and humanity
In becoming a man, Jesus brought God and man back into one. Jesus is the God-man. Without Jesus Christianity would simply be another ?religion? trying to access a ?God? we hardly know. In Jesus we can really know God.
- Warning in Hebrews - Do not drift
It is so easy to be moved away from Christ by the current of the world. How often have Christians neglected prayer, study of the Word and fellowship with other Christians because of the pressures of living?
- Do not depart or grow dull of God's Word.
Departing from God is not done over night. It is normally a consequence of drifting. How often have you heard someone ask the question: if I don?t pray and read my Bible for several days will I still be a Christian? Of course you would. But drifting could
- Do not despise the Word of God
If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses d
- Do not defy God?s word
When we knowingly and continuously walk in disobedience to God?s will, we inevitably deny ?God?s grace the effectiveness it should have in our lives?. This is an extremely serious matter. For without God?s grace we fall prey to the wiles of the evil one.
- Melchizedek
Intercession enables people to meet God, receive grace from Him and consequently obtain the ability to give glory to God in areas of godly living and obedience in service.
- Faith is the substance - Hebrews 11
Working faithfully away in some village or town you are engrossed in the home, work or some other type of vineyard God has called you into. You are faithful enough to remain working, worshipping, walking, waiting and warring for God despite all the odds.